Nell’incantevole location Terme Tettuccio di Montecatini in compagnia della Matrona Patrizia Mirigliani la riservatissima cena di gala Rai-sponsor.
Splendidi affreschi, luci soffuse, tappeto rosso e un raffinatissimo buffet: una serata a dir poco fiabesca che mi ha fatto vivere anche se poco tempo, un sogno che sembrava non finire mai.
Ospiti in elegantissimi abiti, meravigliosi gioielli e sandali che brillavano come stelle. Era tutto perfetto!
Presenti alla serata alcuni dei volti più noti della Rai, alcuni dei rappresentati degli sponsor di Miss Italia e Guest Star Sara Izzo Miss Fair Play 2011.
Con queste foto il mio breve racconto di una serata che rimarrà indimenticabile…In the enchanting setting of Terme Tettuccio in Montecatini in the company of the matron Patrizia Mirigliani, the extremely exclusive Rai-sponsor gala dinner.
Fabulous frescos, soft lighting, red carpet and an elegant buffet: a fairytale evening to say the least, which if only briefly, made me live a magnificent dream which seemed never-ending.
Guests in elegant dresses, breath-taking jewels and sandals that shone like stars. It was all so perfect!
Many well-known faces from Rai, representatives of Miss Italia sponsors and guest star Sara Izzo, Miss Fair Play 2011 were amongst some of the faces at the reception.
With these photos is a brief insight into an unforgettable evening…
Fabulous frescos, soft lighting, red carpet and an elegant buffet: a fairytale evening to say the least, which if only briefly, made me live a magnificent dream which seemed never-ending.
Guests in elegant dresses, breath-taking jewels and sandals that shone like stars. It was all so perfect!
Many well-known faces from Rai, representatives of Miss Italia sponsors and guest star Sara Izzo, Miss Fair Play 2011 were amongst some of the faces at the reception.
With these photos is a brief insight into an unforgettable evening…