da Bimbi
da Bimbi
Non c’è tempo da perdere!!! Non resta che accedere a facebook e diventare un vero e proprio Blauer Friends e partecipare così a questo straordinario concorso!!!
Blauer, the brand leader in outdoorwear will animate its facebook page with an unmissable competition, open to all worldwide facebook users!!!
Up to the 24th of December it will be imperative to always be connected and the prize, for two lucky winners will be two beautiful and warm Fall/Winter 12 jackets!!!
It’s very easy to take part! All you need is a facebook account, a camera and an item of clothing by Blauer. Infact if you visit the http://friends.blauer.it/ page, it’ll be enough to clic “Access Facebook”. After having read the rules and regulations and given authorization, the participants will be able to upload their photos.
The photos will need to show the participant wearing their Blauer item of clothing which must be easily noticeable. There is space for creativity in order to make your photo original, fun, of impact and feisty, and which will represent Blauer to the max.
Each photo will be closely examined and those which will be chosen, will be published on thehttp://friends.blauer.it/contest page and on the facebook page http://facebook.com/blauerusa.
The award will be given to two people (one woman and one man) who will have received the highest number of votes from other Facebook users within the 24th of December, and they will become the official models for Blauer on Facebook.
The votes will be collected on the website http://friends.blauer.it by visiting the profile pages taking part.
There is no time to lose!!! All that is left to do, is to access Facebook and become a Blauer friend and take part in this amazing competition!!!
*Il regolamento ufficiale e’ disponibile alla pagina http://friends.blauer.it/contest-rules
Dettaglio premi: http://friends.blauer.it/most-rated-profiles
Le immagini che contengono loghi di altri marchi, stemmi o insegne, così come le immagini ritenute non pertinenti, volgari, o lesive per l’immagine dell’azienda non saranno pubblicate.
da Bimbi
Il mood di quest’outfit è ispirato allo stile grunge. Da sempre la musica ha influenzato in tantissimi modi il mondo della moda: questo vale anche per la parola grunge, termine ideato agli inizi degli anni ’90 da alcuni giornalisti americani per identificare un certo tipo di musica rock nato a Seattle e che ha visto nei Nirvana gli interpreti più conosciuti. Letteralmente sta ad indicare uno stile poco curato, sporco e trasandato; ma a me, gli eccessi in generale non sono mai piaciuti, adoro prendere e analizzare “nuovi” mood per poi “giocarci” e personalizzarli. Il mini bomber di Adidas SLVR arricchito da maxi cerniere ricorda un pò i mitici anni ’80. La lunga t-shirt di Relish, impreziosita da strass è tanto rock. Leggins neri e la nuova versione dei favolosi Dr Martens in vernice con “tacco” donano quel giusto mix grunge/chic. Un tocco divertente con i bracciali Mini Pà “Normal but special” by Le Pandorine e il bracciale multigiri con mini teschi La Fata. Per finire per “spezzare” l’outfit total black, l’originalissima borsa Freitag color blu cina (colore di grandissima tendenza) realizzata con i teloni di camion reciclati, perfetta per un look da giorno 😉 !
The mood for this outfit is inspired by the grunge style. Music has in many different ways influenced the world of fashion: this also goes for the word grunge, a term thought up at the beginning of the 90’s by some american journalists in order to identify a certain type of music born in Seattle and which saw Nirvana as the most well-known interpreter of such music. It basically stands for a style which is not very well-groomed, but messy, dirty and shabby; I have never really liked excesses, although I adore taking and analysing “new” moods in order to “play” and personalise them. The Adidas SLVR mini bomber is enriched with a maxi zip which sort of reminds us of the legendary 80’s. The long Relish t-shirt enriched with sequins is very rock. Black leggings and the new version of Dr Martens in patent with a “heel” give the outfit the right grunge/chic mix. A fun touch is added with the Mini Pà “Normal but special” by Le Pandorine bracelets and the spiral La Fata bracelets with skulls. To finish off, and break off the all black outfit, is the very original china blue Freitag bag (a very fashionable colour) made from sheets from recycled trucks, perfect for a day look 😉 !
da Bimbi