Professionisti della moda, stilisti, innovatori, blogger, grandi marchi, fashion lovers e piccole realtà etiche si sono incontrate e hanno condiviso, insegnato e discusso sul futuro della moda in maniera orizzontale.
Fashion professionals, designers, innovators, bloggers, prominent brands, fashion lovers and small ethical companies were able to meet and share their ideas, and were offered the opportunity to learn new skills and discuss the future of fashion, via different channels.
“Digital Influence, from couture to conversation” Un momento molto interessante per comprendere insieme a professionisti del settore le nuove dinamiche del connubio tra moda e nuove tecnologie. Fashion revolution!
“Digital Influence, from couture to conversation” A very interesting moment to understand together with prodessional of that sector, the new dynamics of the union between fashion and new technology. Fashion revolution!