If you love the marine inspiration and still believe in mermaids, this collection will truly captivate you.
These are amongst my “favourite pieces” … 😉
da Bimbi
da Bimbi
Insomma, la maison Chanel ci fa sognare ancora una volta, proiettandoci in una nuova magica e surreale dimensione….
Milano (Spazio Lazzaretto) – At Chanel’s next Autumn/Winter 2012-13 presentation, accessories are the most wonderful protagonist. Karl Lagerfeld, creative director of the Chanel maison, uses an “alien” woman as his mood, who seems to come directly from the future. A perfect mix between bon ton and chic, but with a touch of modernity with the colours he uses (crystal, green, blue, purple, charcoal grey) in both the clothes and the accessories.
The bags are beautiful in their different fabrics; tweed, leather or velvet. Small rounded rucksacks in a chic version become a casual accessory to carry by hand or on your shoulder, and perfect for every outfit. The new version of the it bag 2.55, a very soft pochette and the rigid bags, all in metallic colours evoke the colours tones of minerals.
In the footwear range, the classic mary jane is once again proposed with a strap at the ankle and its most original T-bar and an asymmetrical ankle boot open on one side and closed on the other. But its peculiarity is the plexiglass heel, which seem crystals and reflect a mysterious and striking sense of light.
Once again maison Chanel makes us dream once again, sending us into a magical and surreal dimension…..
da Bimbi
Evento Tiffany & Co. per la presentazione della collezione Rubedo, nuova lega preziosa ottenuta dall’unione di oro, argento e rame che crea una tonalità rosata con bellissime sfumature di luce e riflessi.
La preziosa collezione Rubedo Tiffany 1837, festeggia i 175 anni della gioielleria con anelli, collane, orecchini e bracciali rigidi con metallo liscio e cerchi incatenati, in edizione limitata.
Dopo la presentazione a New York, non poteva mancare l’evento a Milano.
Tiffany & Co. event for the presentation of the Rubedo collection. A new precious alloy obtained by the union of gold, silver and copper which creates a pinkish colour with extraordinary light reflections and hues.
The precious Rubedo Tiffany 1837 collection celebrates 175years of the jewellers with rings, necklaces, earrings and rigid bracelets with smooth metals and chained rings, all in limited edition.
The event in Milan could not go amiss, after the presentation in New York.
da Bimbi
Karl Lagerfeld è il regista della campagna pubblicitaria della linea di borse BOY CHANEL con Alice Dellal . Dirige un cortometraggio dal titolo: “My New Friend Boy”.
“My New Friend Boy” da scoprire prossimamente su.. CHANEL NEWS !
Karl Lagerfeld is the director of the new advertising campaign for the new line of bags BOY CHANEL together with Alice Dellal. He directs a short film entitled “My New Friend Boy”.
“My New Friend Boy” coming soon on.. CHANEL NEWS!
da Bimbi
Probabilmente quella Coco Chanel che il mondo eleggerà regina del gusto, musa della bellezza, non avrebbe particolarmente gradito celebrare la ricorrenza piu’ romantica dell’anno: San Valentino.
Protagonista di un epoca drammatica, lei, da sempre ribelle e anticonformista, abituata a dover combattere contro le brutalita’ di quel mondo per affermare la sua indipendenza. Se questo da una parte è vero, dall’altra parte c’è da dire che Coco conobbe l’amore, vivendolo a modo suo, certo, ma amò, e lo fece intensamente e profondamente. Sarebbe quindi stata felice di celebrare questa “frivola” ricorrenza. E’ cosi’ che anche la Maison Chanel festeggia San Valentino, con una speciale capsule collection, romantica con colori pastello come il beige, il rosa, il tortora, per una donna femminile, elegante e moderna.
Coco Chanel, who the world will probably elect as the queen of exquisite taste, muse of beauty, wouldn’t have particularly appreciated the celebration of the most romantic day of the year: Valentine’s Day.
A protagonist of a dramatic era, she was always rebellious and an anticonformist, used to battling again the brutality of the world in which she lived in order to claim her independance. If this is partly true on one side, then it’s true to say that Coco knew love, living it in her own way, secure, but she loved, and she did so intensely and profoundly. She would therefore have been happy to celebrate this “frivolous” occassion. And it is so that the Maison Chanel celebrates Valentine’s Day, with a special capsule collection, romantic with pastel colours like beige, pink, dove-grey, for a feminine, elegant and modern woman.