For all those comic fans, Havaianas proposes a capsule collection of four designs, 2 for men and 2 for women. A retrò inspiration dedicated to the most famous Super Heroes: Superman, Batman together with the Joker, Catwoman and Wonder Woman.
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Applausi per la collezione “The Animal Chair Collection” di Maximo Riera, designer e scultore spagnolo. The Octopus, The Walrus, The Rhino, sono solo alcune delle sue fantastiche poltrone “animali” che catturano lo splendore della natura e l’armonia del rapporto uomo animale. Qual’è la vostra poltrona “dark” animal collection preferita?
An applause for “The Animal Chair Collection” by Maximo Riera, spanish designer and sculptor. The Octopus, The Walrus, The Rhino are only a few of his fantastic “animal” armchairs that capture the beauty of nature and the harmony between the relationship of man animal. Which is your favourite “dark” animal collection armchair?
da Bimbi
MAU é un un progetto nato dalla passione di creare grafiche e prodotti non standard.
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