Matthew Williamson ha creato due nuove prints per la linea di Rain Boot Havaianas; entrambi i modelli, realizzati al 100% in gomma, mantengono i dettagli tipici del brand Havaianas la greca lungo il bordo e il motivo a chicchi di riso sulle suole, una combinazione perfetta destinata a trasformare i due modelli in un cult da indossare sotto la pioggia il prossimo autunno/inverno.
DIGITAL RAIN BOOT: questo stivale è stato creato per la collezione inverno 2012 prêt-à-porter del brand Matthew Williamson e abbinato, durante la sfilata, a lunghi e voluminosi abiti in seta. I frammenti triangolari ricordano una cascata dacqua e rendono lo stivale perfetto per saltellare nelle pozzanghere sotto la pioggia.
PEACOCK RAIN BOOT: sin dalla sua introduzione nel 2004, il motivo con piume di pavone firmato Matthew Williamson è diventato un simbolo del brand e per questa occasione si veste di unarmonia di colori inedita, formata da una base monocromatica con vivaci pennellate di fucsia e giada.The collaboration between Matthew Williamson and Havaianas comes together to mark the Brasilians brand 50th year anniversary and the 15th year anniversary from the British designers first catwalk at London Fashion Week.
Matthew Williamson has created two new prints for the Rain Boot Havaianas range; both models, made from 100% rubber, maintain Havaianas’ typical details, such as the border all around the boot and the grain of rice detailing on the sole; a perfect combination destined to transform the two models into a cult to be worn in the rain next autumn/winter.
DIGITAL RAIN BOOT: this boot is created for the prêt-à-porter Matthew Williamson brand for the winter 2012 collection, and during the catwalk was matched with long and voluminous dresses. The triangular fragments remind you of a waterfall and make the boot perfect for splashing about in the puddles under the rain.
PEACOCK RAIN BOOT: from its introduction in 2004, the peacock feather motif signed by Matthew Williamson has become a symbol for the brand, and on this specific occassion, ties in harmoniously with the original colours used; which are formed by a monochromatic base with bright fuchsia and jade green paintstrokes.
DIGITAL RAIN BOOT: questo stivale è stato creato per la collezione inverno 2012 prêt-à-porter del brand Matthew Williamson e abbinato, durante la sfilata, a lunghi e voluminosi abiti in seta. I frammenti triangolari ricordano una cascata dacqua e rendono lo stivale perfetto per saltellare nelle pozzanghere sotto la pioggia.
PEACOCK RAIN BOOT: sin dalla sua introduzione nel 2004, il motivo con piume di pavone firmato Matthew Williamson è diventato un simbolo del brand e per questa occasione si veste di unarmonia di colori inedita, formata da una base monocromatica con vivaci pennellate di fucsia e giada.The collaboration between Matthew Williamson and Havaianas comes together to mark the Brasilians brand 50th year anniversary and the 15th year anniversary from the British designers first catwalk at London Fashion Week.
Matthew Williamson has created two new prints for the Rain Boot Havaianas range; both models, made from 100% rubber, maintain Havaianas’ typical details, such as the border all around the boot and the grain of rice detailing on the sole; a perfect combination destined to transform the two models into a cult to be worn in the rain next autumn/winter.
DIGITAL RAIN BOOT: this boot is created for the prêt-à-porter Matthew Williamson brand for the winter 2012 collection, and during the catwalk was matched with long and voluminous dresses. The triangular fragments remind you of a waterfall and make the boot perfect for splashing about in the puddles under the rain.
PEACOCK RAIN BOOT: from its introduction in 2004, the peacock feather motif signed by Matthew Williamson has become a symbol for the brand, and on this specific occassion, ties in harmoniously with the original colours used; which are formed by a monochromatic base with bright fuchsia and jade green paintstrokes.