Fabulous frescos, soft lighting, red carpet and an elegant buffet: a fairytale evening to say the least, which if only briefly, made me live a magnificent dream which seemed never-ending.
Guests in elegant dresses, breath-taking jewels and sandals that shone like stars. It was all so perfect!
Many well-known faces from Rai, representatives of Miss Italia sponsors and guest star Sara Izzo, Miss Fair Play 2011 were amongst some of the faces at the reception.
With these photos is a brief insight into an unforgettable evening…

Per me il sogno di Miss Italia… continua !

Metallo e luce sono infatti protagonisti assoluti delle passerelle autunno/inverno 2012, dominando abiti e accessori make-up.
Ho avuto cosi’ l’immenso piacere di farmi truccare dal bravissimo make-up artist Valerio Sestito che ha voluto realizzare per me, un perfetto smoky eyes dallo spirito assolutamente rock. A concludere, non poteva mancare un favoloso smalto new metal effect n.83 Deborah Milano applicato dalla nail artist Giovanna Demarco.
PRECIOUS METAL COLLECTION e SECRETLY, due collezioni racchiuse in uno special pack in limited edition che solo durante la Vogue Fashion’s Night Out 2012 sarà venduto al prezzo speciale di 50,00 euro (contiene gli orecchini Breil Secretly e ombretto e smalto della collezione Precious Metal di Deborah Milano).Fashion & Beauty: a perfect and winning pair. Infact the union of the well-known iconic brand Breil, characterized by the modernity of its designs and the continuous innovation of its products and Deborah Milano, who thanks to its sinuous ranges gives life to real and proper design make-up, pair up together to form the protagonists of the autumn/winter 2012 catwalks, dominating clothing and make-up accessories.
Infact I had the immense pleasure of having my make-up done by the excellent make-up artist Valerio Sestito, who wanted to give me the smoky eyes look with an absolutely rock spirit to it. To conclude, a fabuolous metal effect nailvarnish n.83 Deborah Milano applied by the nail artist Giovanna Demarco.
PRECIOUS METAL COLLECTION and SECRETLY, two collections enclosed in a special pack in limited edition, which will be sold at the special price of 50,00 euro, only for the Vogue Fashion’s Night Out 2012. (It contains Breil Secretly earrings and a nailvarnish and an eyeshadow from the Precious Metal collection by Deborah Milano).
Giovedì 6 settembre dalle 19.30 alle 23.30 sarò ospite all’evento Suite&Chic in occasione della Vogue Fashion Night Out, commenterò le collezioni presenti e darò anteprime sui must della moda per l’autunno-inverno 2012-13. Eleganza ed esclusività per l’evento SUITE e VFNO che vuole avvicinare il mondo del design a quello della moda, creando un’occasione di incontro con designer, stilisti, protagonisti del fashion, imprenditori e addetti ai lavori.
On Thursday 6th September from 7.30pm till 11.30pm I will be a guest at the Suite&Chic event in occassion of the Vogue Fashion Night Out. I will be commenting the collections present at the event and I will be giving a preview on the must-haves for this autumn-winter 2012-13. Elegance and exclusivity will be of utmost importance at the SUITE and VFNO event which desires to move closer to the world of design and fashion, creating a meeting point for designers, stylists, fashion protagnists, entrepreneurs and workers.
A special date not only for fashion lovers, but also for all those who wish to live Suite n°8 under a completely different light.
On this very exclusive evening, Suite n°8 opens its doors to fashion, presenting inside its showrooms, collections created by prestigious brands, a combination of fashion and household furnishings where creativity and a strong personality become the key concepts.
For this occassion each brand will present a limited edition idea specifically for VFNO. During the evening, at 9pm a fashion show by the Brasilian designer Antonio Oliver and “Popart” which will host the fabulous works of art by Ludmilla Radchenko.

INKPROJECT il primo e autentico ideatore del “gioiello con le tue parole” , un brand unisex estremamente versatile che sta facendo del concetto di customization la sua forza nel mondo del gioiello e non solo. INK è partner ufficiale di Laura Pausini. http://www.inkproject.it/
Crystalp Jewellery: da una costola della Swarovski Group è nato un nuovo brand del lusso, propone gioielli realizzati a mano con swarovski puri. Crystalp Jewellery in occasione della Vogue Fashion Night ha creato dei gioielli da abbinare agli abiti di Antonio Oliver. www.crystalp.co.nz