I may be bias, but after personally meeting the Matron Patrizia Mirigliani, I literally “fell in love” with her! Her pleasant nature, her humility and innate class, make her a truly special person. She looks wonderful in this full-length petrol green dress. Only fault: maybe the bodice is a little too “loose”. A perfect choice of jewels.

I must admit that seeing Anna Tatangelo in person was a big disappointment. I have nothing to say about her body. But her face? The complete opposite of freshness and naturalness. She has decisively exaggerated with the cosmetic surgery and the make-up: too much!
Her fire red one-shoulder Valentino dress gets full marks.

Her white gold, diamond and rose quartz garland necklace by Pasquale Bruni is very sophisticated. Worn with matching earrings.

Il mini dress bianco che indossa Paola Perego, caratterizato da maxi ruche nella parte superiore, è del fashion designer Danilo Attardi (famosi i suoi abiti da sposa). Non amo particolarmente questo genere di abiti, ma devo dire che a Paola sta molto bene.
Splendida Lorella Cuccarini in abito a sirena vintage Roberto Cavalli. Manca però un gioiello: la scelta di un bracciale sarebbe stata perfetta!
Lorella Cuccarini is splendid in her vintage siren dress by Roberto Cavalli. An item of jewellery is missing though. The use of a bracelet would have been perfect!

Il lungo abito ( anche se in foto non si vede, era lungo, vi assicuro !) caratterizzato da strati di seta dalle varie sfumature dal giallo chiarissimo al pesca, è di Genny, disegnato da Gabriele Colangelo. A Caterina stava davvero bene, esaltava i suoi colori mediterranei. Dal vivo, però non mi faceva proprio impazzire. Non so, troppi veli e strati insieme, mi sembrava facesse un pò troppo “effetto odalisca”! Raffinatissima l’acconciatura dallo stile decisamente anni ’30 !
The long dress (even if you can’t see it in the photo, I can assure you it was!) characterized by layers of different shades of light yellow to peach silk, is by Genny and designed by Gabriele Colangelo. It looked really good on Caterina, and enhanced her mediterranean colours. But in person it wasn’t so striking. I’m not sure, but maybe too many layers together. It looked a little to “odalisque”!
A very sophisticated 1930’s hairdo!

We’ll let the low-cut V t-shirt (which doesn’t exactly enthrall me) and the pin-striped trousers go. But those revisited flip-flops are just so out, especially during such an important event!