OVS e UNAIDS insieme per la Giornata Mondiale per la Lotta contro l’AIDS presentano MAKE LOVE WITH, una capsule collection di top e t-shirt disegnata da 11 ragazzi, nuove generazioni di famiglie importanti della moda: Lavinia Biagiotti, Rachele Cavalli, Louis Marie de Castelbajac, Maria Sole Ferragamo, Marta Ferri, Alessandra Gucci, Alice Lemoine, Talitha Puri Negri, Lola Toscani, Rocco Toscani e Francesca Versace.
Il top con elemento decorativo full paillettes sul retro, disegnato da Lola Toscani,(figlia del celebre fotografo Oliviero Toscani) la creazione che ho scelto da indossare per queste foto.
La capsule collection è disponibile online http://ovs.it/makelovewith e negli store OVS da oggi 1 dicembre, giornata mondiale contro l’AIDS, il ricavato di “Make love with” verrà devoluto per raccogliere fondi a favore della ricerca.
OVS and UNAIDS join together for the Global Fight Against AIDS Day, and present MAKE LOVE WITH, a capsule collection of tops and t-shirts designed by 11 youngsters; the new generation from very prestigious italian familities in the world of fashion: Lavinia Biagiotti, Rachele Cavalli, Louis Marie de Castelbajac, Maria Sole Ferragamo, Marta Ferri, Alessandra Gucci, Alice Lemoine, Talitha Puri Negri, Lola Toscani, Rocco Toscani and Francesca Versace.
The top has the decorative touch of sequins on the back, designed by Lola Toscani,(daughter of the famous photographer Oliviero Toscani)and it is the top I chose for these photos.
The capsule collection is available online at http://ovs.it/makelovewith and in all OVS stores as of today, 1st December, the Global Fight Against AIDS Day. The money raised from “Make love with” will be donated to collect funds for the cause.
The top has the decorative touch of sequins on the back, designed by Lola Toscani,(daughter of the famous photographer Oliviero Toscani)and it is the top I chose for these photos.
The capsule collection is available online at http://ovs.it/makelovewith and in all OVS stores as of today, 1st December, the Global Fight Against AIDS Day. The money raised from “Make love with” will be donated to collect funds for the cause.
Grazie a OVS