Ciao a tutti! Rientrate ieri da Berlino, le foto scattate sono tantissime, abbiamo deciso quindi di dividere i post in:” Bread and Butter “, “street people,” e “around the city”. Troppe le cose da vedere in soli due giorni e mezzo, ma abbiamo cercato di captare lo spirito “new retro’ “, “new punk” di Berlino, “la capitale tormentata”.
Nello storico (ex) aeroporto Berlin-Tempelhof si è tenuta la decima edizione del BREAD & BUTTER TRADESHOW manifestazione fieristica innovativa dedicata alla cultura dell’abbigliamento contemporaneo, Denim, Sportswear, Street Fashion, Functional Wear e Casual Dressed Up… il tutto in un’atmosfera frizzante e festosa!
Hello everyone! We got back from Berlin last night, the photos that we took are numerous, and hence we have decided to split up the post into 3: “Bread and Butter”, “Street People” and “Around the City”. There are far too many things to see in just two and a half days, but we tried to capture the “new retro” and “new punk” feeling in Berlin; the “tormented capital”.
The tenth edition of the BREAD & BUTTER TRADESHOW was held in the old ex Berlin-Tempelhof airport. An innovative tradeshow dedicated to contemporary fashion; Denim, Sportswear, Street Fashion, Functional Wear e Casual Dressed Up… all very fun and bubbly!