I tacchi hanno origini molto antiche; essi venivano utilizzati già nel Medioevo europeo. All’epoca, il loro obiettivo non era quello di rendere più elegante la donna che li indossava, bensì quello di evitare di sporcare gli orli degli abiti nel fango delle strade medievali (per ovvi motivi, privi di pavimentazione).
Nel Rinascimento, le scarpe col tacco vengono usate stabilmente dai ceti più importanti della società; si narra, tra l’altro, che Maria Antonietta non rinunciò ai suoi tacchi neanche sul patibolo….una vera high-heel addicted!
Anche Luigi XIV cedette al fascino e al potere dei tacchi alti…beh, come dargli torto?!
Negli anni’50 nacquero i tacchi proprio come li conosciamo noi, grazie all’italiano Ferragamo che, emigrato negli Stati Uniti, confezionò scarpe a celebri artiste di Hollywood.
Senza dimenticare che, all’occorrenza, potrebbero trasformarsi in un’utilissima arma contundente….
Inoltre, hanno il dono di farti sentire bella, “all’altezza”; provate ad indossare un paio di scarpe col tacco e ad ammirarvi allo specchio…che dite, non vi sentite già meravigliose?
Ora, procedete in questo modo: aprite la scarpiera e gettate dalla finestra le vostre tanto amate ballerine (sì, proprio le “graziose” ballerine, quelle che hanno la capacità di schiacciarvi letteralmente i glutei), perché non le dovrete più utilizzare, salvo casi eccezionali (ad esempio, per andare a buttare l’immondizia).
E adesso, esercitatevi! Solo l’esercizio vi renderà sicure e in grado di camminare con una certa disinvoltura su quei trampoli…
E se poi vi ritroverete con caviglie slogate e ossa rotte…beh, cosa volete che vi dica? Non ho di certo inventato io il detto: ”Chi bella vuole apparire, un po’ deve soffrire!”
Us women should be grateful to heels! We should worship them, and to do so, we should wear them.
Heels have a very antique origin; they were widely used in the European Middle Ages. At the time, their aim was to make the woman who wore them more elegant, but rather avoid her dirtying the hems on her dresses with the mud on the cobbled roads (which for obvious reasons were without paving).
During the Renaissance, heels were frequently used by members of higher classes; it is said that Marie Antoinette didn’t even renounce her heels when on the gallows….. a real high-heel addict!
Even Louis gave in to the appeal and allure of the heel … beh, how could you say he’s wrong?!
In the 50’s the heels that we know now were born, tank to the Italian Ferragamo, who, emigrated to the United States, and made shoes for famous stars in Hollywood.
Heels, in addition to making you lose a shoe size, “lift” your bottom and give your thighs shape, which more than often are not so toned.
Without forgetting that, when necessary, they can transform themselves in very useful instrument for self-defense…
Furthermore, they have the gift of making you feel beautiful; try on a pair of high heels and look at yourselves in the mirror…what do you think, don’t you already feel more gorgeous?
Now, proceed in this way; open your shoe cupboard and throw out those beloved pumps (yes, exactly those pretty ones, that have the ability to squash your bottom), because you shouldn’t use them again, except in extreme cases (like when you’re going to throw out the rubbish).
And now, take your high heeled shoes, which sit like new in the shoebox, and wear them. What do you think, doesn’t everything seem much better? (maybe because at a different height things seem clearer).
And now practice! It is only through practice that you’ll feel more secure and walk with self-assurance on those towering heels…. And if you find yourselves with a twisted ankle and broken bones, well, what can I say? I certainly wasn’t the one who invented the saying: “To be beautiful you must suffer!”